Sunday, December 23, 2012

Shadows of the Damned Review

One hell of a road trip.

Title: Shadows of the Damned

Platform: Xbox 360, PS3

Developer: Grasshopper Manufacture

Genre: Psychological Horror

Rating: M

     Please take a moment and look at the graphic at the top right. What vibe does this image give off to your psyche? If you’re like me, you most likely thought this was some half ass effort title that EA put out from japan in an effort to make a quick buck off of any poor sucker, who desperately wanted an all action shooter. He’s looking all tough and serious in his purple leather jacket pointing his gun that has a skull on it in a sad attempt to make him more extreme. I bet he has a stereotypical jock mentality and a filthy vocabulary overall. Well what would you say if I told you your thoughts were misguided and that this is honestly one of the best titles I’ve played in a long time? “Shadows of the damned”, is a title that from what I can tell has slipped under the radar in the gaming world. It’s not new. Heck it came out in September 2011 but this is the first game in a long while that I truly felt was worth every penny I paid for.